Category: Nutrients
Each 100ml contains
Calcium | 4000 mg |
Phosphorus | 1850 mg |
Vitamin B12 | 225 mcg |
Vitamin D3 | 60000 IU |
Copper | 100 mg |
Biotin | 2 mg |
Carbohydrate | 40000 mg |
Amino | 2500 mg |
Selenium | 500 mg |
Magnesium | 100 mg |
Zinc | 90 mg |
Cobalt | 100mg |
Casein Protein | 1000ppm |
Elemental iron | 276 mg |
Improves growth, Hatchability, Egg quality, thin shelled and leathery eggs.
Prevents cage-fatigue
Prevents leg-weakness
Prevents prolapse and cannibalism
Improves milk yeld
Prevents milk fever
Improves quality of egg shells
Prevents rickets
Builds resistance
Improved bone formation.
Reduces calcium deficiencies in pregnant and lactating animals.
To be given in evening throughout drinking water Poultry:
Chicks 10ml/100 birds
Growers 20 ml/100 birds
Layers 25 to 50ml/100 birds
Broilers 20 ml/100 birds
Horse and Cattle 50 ml twice a day
Gout and sheep 25 ml twice a day.
1 liter & 5 liter.
Copyright 2023 Joong Shin Vet Co., Ltd